The 7th edition of the Contemporary Native Art Biennal (BACA)
Eruoma Awashish, Haley Bassett, Lisa-Maude Aubin-Bérubé, Glenna Cardinal, Jay Havens, Cheyenne Rain LeGrande and Jesse Tungilik.

May 16 to September 1, 2024
Curators : Lori Beavis, Emma Hassencahl-Perley, Jake Kimble, and Teresa Vander Meer-Chassé

Récits de la création du monde
Crédit photo : Jean-Michel Naud

BACA is thrilled to announce the 7th edition of the Contemporary Native Art Biennial, a multi-venue exhibition that explores the deep-rooted theme of Creation Stories through the eyes of a talented collective of four curators. The exhibition will display works of approximately sixty artists, creating a unique and thought-provoking experience for art lovers.

The BACA 2024 curatorial team, consisting of Lori Beavis, Emma Hassencahl-Perley, Jake Kimble, and Teresa Vander Meer-Chassé, will lead the thematic exploration with each curator representing one of the four cardinal points. Lori Beavis will bring her expertise to present works representing the South and Centre, Emma Hassencahl-Perley will focus on the East, Jake Kimble on the West, and Teresa Vander Meer-Chassé will oversee the North.

The collaboration of these curators, each with diverse backgrounds and skills, is sure to create an outstanding exhibition. Their individual and collective efforts will provide visitors with a distinct perspective of the subject matter, creating a powerful visual narrative that explores the multidimensional aspects of Creation.

The exhibition will showcase the work of approximately sixty artists, including established and emerging talents in the visual, performance and multidisciplinary art forms. The works will provide critical insight into the interpretations and nuances of the theme, making it an immersive and captivating art event.BACA 2024 will open in March 2024 and will run until September 2024. The event will be held at eight locations in Quebec. 

Land / Medicines
Land and Medicine are words that are interchangeable within Indigenous stories. Being the first peoples of what is now known as ‘Canada’ our histories of being the caretakers of this land exist from time immemorial. From coast to coast and everywhere in between, the land has supported, nourished, and healed our peoples by providing all the necessary tools to coexist harmoniously. It was only until colonial interruption that the natural balance was disrupted. With the implementation of resource extraction, colonization, and the enforcement of imperialist ideologies, Indigenous peoples have/had to learn a new language of existing.

The artworks featured in this exhibition speak to the relationship between the Indigenous body and the land that heals and protects them/us. Converging the unconventional with traditional materials, these works highlight the various ways Indigenous peoples continue to navigate the times we find ourselves in; whether addressing Indigenous hunting rights, wildfire protection, or even space travel. The figurative works have been brought together in the centre of the gallery to illustrate and discuss how our relationship with the land and medicine is not a monolithic experience. We invite the audience to meet these works and complete the circle with critical thinking and earnest engagement on how we can continue to be thoughtful custodians to this land that is our medicine.